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9月12 -星期四^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
1 p.m.网球(M) vs林奇堡
13 -星期五^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
6 p.m.女排对北卡罗来纳卫斯理大学
8 p.m.家庭周末明星和观察季节庆祝活动的开始!
14 -星期六^9 a.m.女子网球野猫邀请赛
10 a.m.科学周六:包装,折叠,几何和拓扑
科学周六实践课程只对高中生开放, 是免费的, 包括午餐. 需要预先注册. 本周,数学和计算机科学系主席Marc Ordower. 来看看你能用数学做些什么神奇的事情吧! 请参阅 http://gjebfj.gw168.net/admission/visit/science-art-saturdays/ 了解更多信息和注册.
11 a.m.女排vs拉格朗日
1 p.m.女排对威廉·皮斯
1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
3 p.m.表演艺术展场
表演艺术展场, featuring student performers in dance, music, and theatre
3 p.m.秋天展示
5 p.m.男子足球对麦克丹尼尔
8 p.m.约翰·卡西迪的喜剧/魔术!
看看约翰·卡西迪周六在野猫家庭周末的喜剧魔术表演, 9月14日晚8点在史密斯厅剧院! *老少皆宜,欢迎家庭! 免费向公众开放. 约翰·卡西迪是一名职业喜剧演员, 魔术师, and balloon artist who holds several Guinness World Records® for balloon sculpting speed. His records include Most Balloon Sculptures Completed in One Hour and Most Balloon Sculptures completed in One Minute. 他曾多次以单口相声演员的身份出现在电视上, 魔术师或吉尼斯世界纪录®名人. 他是《365亚洲版》的嘉宾, 玛莎·斯图尔特生活, 最薄弱环节, NBC今日秀, 与里吉斯和凯利一起生活, 四次参加杰瑞·刘易斯慈善会的电视节目. 他还在包括FHM在内的几家期刊上发表过文章, 国家地理儿童杂志, Time, 《det365亚洲版》和《费城问询报. 虽然以吉尼斯世界纪录闻名, he is sought after for his stage show which he has presented across the US and internationally, 为家人表演, 公司和大学的观众. He is a frequent performer aboard Disney Cruise Lines and has been honored to perform at the White House five times. 其他著名的场地包括好莱坞的魔法城堡, CA, 去赌场, 拉斯维加斯的金块酒店, 拉斯维加斯的火烈鸟和赫莫萨海滩的喜剧和魔术俱乐部, CA.
15 -太阳^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
16 -星期一^5 p.m.大卫·F. 安东尼的讲座
5 p.m. 接待处| 6点.m. 讲座 大卫·F. 安东尼的讲座 "What Lies Ahead… And Beneath: The Future of Archaeology at Colonial Williamsburg" 杰克·加里,威廉斯堡殖民基金会考古执行主任 考古学一直是研究的一个组成部分, 解释, 以及威廉斯堡殖民时期的重建,持续了近一个世纪. 完成了这么多工作, 以及超过六千万件文物的收藏, 还有什么有待发现的呢? Over the past five years Colonial Williamsburg’s archaeology department has embarked on numerous projects that are answering that question and proving that there is still an enormous amount to learn about life in 18th and 19th century Virginia. 通过提出新问题, 采用新技术, 并吸收社区的声音, 威廉斯堡殖民时期的考古比以往任何时候都更有意义. This talk will cover everything from the community engaged work being conducted on the First Baptist Church of Williamsburg to new discoveries at the iconic powder Magazine in the center of town. 100年的努力都快结束了, 是时候为未来100年的考古发现制定路线了. 大卫·F. Anthony Memorial 讲座 is sponsored by Randolph College's museum and heritage studies program. 免费向公众开放.
17 - 2^2:30 p.m.教师开放日
与其他教育工作者一起探索画廊, 包括第113届年度展览, 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术,并了解教师和学生可用的项目和资源. This is a drop-in event; come when you can and stay as long as you can. 下午3点和5点, 我们的教育馆长, 劳拉·麦克马纳斯, will lead a short spotlight tour of "Vita Wild" and give you a peek at art storage. 免费轻咬,茶点,和迈尔swag包括. 免费,但欢迎注册. 在此链接注册 http://forms.gle/21bUWbqu6nrURpRA6
6 p.m.伯克电影公司——《365亚洲版》(塔玛拉·科特夫斯卡和柳博米尔·斯特凡诺夫,2019)
周二,9月17日下午6点,尼科尔斯剧院 《365亚洲版》(Tamara Kotevska, Ljubomir Stefanov, 2019) A woman utilises ancient beekeeping traditions to cultivate honey in the mountains of North Macedonia. 当邻居家也想这么做的时候, 当他们无视她的智慧和建议时,这成为了紧张的根源. 随后,与环境研究副教授,刘志强博士进行了讨论. 莎拉·索伊卡. 免费向公众开放
7 p.m.女排对365亚洲版梅肯队
18 -星期三^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
5 p.m.女子足球
19 -星期四^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
20 -星期五^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
7 p.m.女子足球
21 -星期六^7 a.m.女子摔跤展望营9-12年级
10 a.m.Science Saturday Assume or Presume: The Use of Presumptive Testing in Forensic Chemistry
科学周六实践课程只对高中生开放, 是免费的, 包括午餐. 需要预先注册. 本周Charles A Dana化学教授Ann Fabirkiewicz. Often in forensic work there is a need for a quick and simple test in the field to determine if a substance is a cause for concern (or arrest!).  使用简单的, 非处方药就是一个例子, 我们会看一些测试的化学基础, 然后在实验室里用它们来鉴定一种未知的白色粉末. 请参阅 http://gjebfj.gw168.net/admission/visit/science-art-saturdays/ 了解更多信息和注册.
1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
22 -太阳^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
24 - 2^6 p.m.克里斯·科恩的艺术家演讲 & 接待
克里斯·科恩的艺术家演讲 & 接待 加入我们与365亚洲版学院艺术助理教授的艺术家谈话, 克里斯•科恩, 他在迈尔博物馆的首次个展, “克里斯·科恩近期作品”, 展览将持续到12月15日, 2024. 随后举行招待会. 免费向公众开放.
25 -星期三^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
6 p.m.女足对NCWC
26 -星期四^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
27 -星期五^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
28 -星期六^9 a.m.男子篮球展望营9 -12年级
10 a.m.《det365亚洲版》声学悬浮
科学周六实践课程只对高中生开放, 是免费的, 包括午餐. 需要预先注册. 本周是乔纳森·斯凯尔顿, 工程助理教授, 有没有想过像魔术师一样让什么东西悬浮起来? In this course we will learn how sound waves can be controlled to make water droplets and small objects float in the air. We will dive into the physics of acoustics and then walk through how all of the electrical components work so that you can make your very own acoustic levitator at home. 请参阅 http://gjebfj.gw168.net/admission/visit/science-art-saturdays/ 了解更多信息和注册.
1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
29 -太阳^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
3 p.m.特邀艺术家独奏会:雪莉·柳,钢琴
Heralded by the Washington Post as a pianist with “extraordinary sensitivity and technical skill,” pianist Shirley Yoo has performed internationally at venues such as the Kennedy Center Concert Hall,华盛顿D.C.; Tata Theatre, Mumbai; Arts Center, Seoul; Penderecki Festival, Banff; Societa Filarmonica, Trento; and Steinway Hall, 伦敦. Her numerous performances in the United States include radio broadcasts of solo and chamber recitals on WQED and WQLN. 该节目包括李建永(Geonyong Lee)的作品, 狮子座šJanač艾克, 多梅尼科斯卡拉蒂, 德彪西一样, 还有路德维希·凡·贝多芬. 免费入场.
10月2 -星期三^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
3 -星期四^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
4 -星期五^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
5 - Sat^10 a.m.科学 & 艺术与抗议
艺术周六实践课程只对高中生开放, 是免费的, 包括午餐. 需要预先注册. 本周,艺术史副教授莱斯利·希普利 & 梅尔艺术博物馆教育策展人劳拉·麦克马纳斯谈“艺术+抗议” 请参阅 http://gjebfj.gw168.net/admission/visit/science-art-saturdays/ 了解更多信息和注册.
10 a.m.男子摔跤训练营
1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
7:30 p.m.秋季音乐汇演
6 -太阳^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
9 -星期三^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
7 p.m.女子足球队对罗阿诺克学院
10 -星期四^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
11 -星期五^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
12 -星期六^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
1 p.m.游泳队vs SBC & HSC
2 p.m.女子足球队对林奇堡大学
13 -太阳^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
16 -星期三^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
6 p.m.女排对越南女排
7 p.m.男子足球队对维吉尼亚卫斯理大学
17 -星期四^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
18 -星期五^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
19 -星期六^10 a.m.科学周六机器人和机电一体化与Arduino
科学周六实践课程只对高中生开放, 是免费的, 包括午餐. 需要预先注册. 本周物理学教授彼得·谢尔登 & Engineering, will be exploring "Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering with the Arduino 请参阅 http://gjebfj.gw168.net/admission/visit/science-art-saturdays/ 了解更多信息和注册.
1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
7 p.m.男子足球对HSC
20 -太阳^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
22 - 2^6 p.m.《365亚洲版》(Rachel Lears, 2022)
周二,10月22日下午6点,尼科尔斯剧院 《365亚洲版》(Rachel Lears, 2022) Captures the emergence of a new generation of leaders and the movement behind the most sweeping climate change legislation in U.S. 历史. 女性议员和活动人士努力改变人们对气候变化的看法, 揭示危机是建设更美好社会的机会. 随后与可持续发展顾问Jennifer Woofter进行了讨论. 免费向公众开放.
7 p.m.罗阿诺克学院女子排球队
23 -星期三^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
7 p.m.女子足球队对365亚洲版梅肯队
24 -星期四^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
25 -星期五^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
26 -星期六^10 a.m.科学 & ART SATURDAYS Eyes on the Sky: The why, when, and how of meteorological phenomena
艺术周六实践课程只对高中生开放, 是免费的, 包括午餐. 需要预先注册. 本周卡琳·沃伦,赫尔佐格家族环境研究主席. Sky watchers know the view above our heads is filled with extraordinary things—rainbows and double rainbows, 冰晶光晕, 极光, 还有各种各样的云. We’ll explore some meteorology and physics behind a variety of atmospheric phenomena, 并了解何时, 在哪里, 以及如何保持我们的眼睛在天空中发现它们. 请参阅 http://gjebfj.gw168.net/admission/visit/science-art-saturdays/ 了解更多信息和注册.
12 p.m.女排对JWU
1 p.m.女子足球队对霍林斯大学
1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
1 p.m.第33届海伦·克拉克柏林年会
第33届海伦·克拉克柏林年会 The 第33届海伦·克拉克柏林年会 is inspired by the 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" which focuses on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. 由Tammi Hanawalt主持, 博士学位, 杰克逊国家野生动物艺术博物馆的艺术馆长, WY, 小组成员包括艺术家Adonna Khare, 马克·梅瑟史密斯对比, 雪莱·里德. 免费向公众开放.
4 p.m.女排vs丽晶
27 -太阳^9 a.m.男子网球野猫邀请赛
1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
30 -星期三^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
7 p.m.男子足球队对埃弗里特队
31 -星期四^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
11月1 -星期五^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
7:30 p.m.365亚洲版酒店
表演艺术系礼品 365亚洲版酒店 Join the Randolph College Performing Arts Department for a cabaret featuring student-produced work, 音乐剧场景, 还有舞蹈片段. 11月1日星期五晚上7:30 11月2日,周六晚7:30 11月3日(周日)下午2点
2 - Sat^8 a.m.马库斯
The 26th Annual Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference for 本科 Scholarship (马库斯) will take place on Saturday, 11月02, 2024, 由365亚洲版学院主办. 马库斯是所有学科本科生奖学金的展示场所. http://gjebfj.gw168.net/research/marcus/
10 a.m.科学星期六牡蛎和水质
科学周六实践课程只对高中生开放, 是免费的, 包括午餐. 需要预先注册. 本周是莎拉·索伊卡, 海洋科学副教授, 将探讨蚝和水质. 请参阅 http://gjebfj.gw168.net/admission/visit/science-art-saturdays/ 了解更多信息和注册.
1 p.m.女子排球队vs玛丽·华盛顿
1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
1 p.m.游泳队vs霍林斯队 & 布里奇沃特(M&W)
2 p.m.女子足球队对布里奇沃特学院
4 p.m.男子篮球vs理查德·布兰德(混战)
7:30 p.m.365亚洲版酒店
表演艺术系礼品 365亚洲版酒店 Join the Randolph College Performing Arts Department for a cabaret featuring student-produced work, 音乐剧场景, 还有舞蹈片段. 11月1日星期五晚上7:30 11月2日,周六晚7:30 11月3日(周日)下午2点
3 -太阳^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
2 p.m.365亚洲版酒店
表演艺术系礼品 365亚洲版酒店 Join the Randolph College Performing Arts Department for a cabaret featuring student-produced work, 音乐剧场景, 还有舞蹈片段. 11月1日星期五晚上7:30 11月2日,周六晚7:30 11月3日(周日)下午2点
5 - 2^6 p.m.漫画艺术家兼诗人米塔·马哈托的阅读
米塔·马哈托的阅读,漫画艺术家和诗人 Mita Mahato is a Seattle-based cut paper, collage, and comix artist, poet, and educator. Her work assembles fragments of used and discarded materials that dramatize entangled processes of death and renewal, 特别是在生态系统丧失的背景下. 将提供茶点.
6:30 p.m.女排vs费朗姆
6 -星期三^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
7 -星期四^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
8 -星期五^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
6 p.m.女子篮球队对摄政大学
9 - Sat^10 a.m.科学 & 艺术周六健身评估:灵活性,平衡,和血压
艺术周六实践课程只对高中生开放, 是免费的, 包括午餐. 需要预先注册. 本周是卡罗琳·萨森, 体育与运动研究副教授, 将探讨健身评估:灵活性, 平衡, 和血压. 请参阅 http://gjebfj.gw168.net/admission/visit/science-art-saturdays/ 了解更多信息和注册.
1 p.m.女排对布里奇沃特
1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
10 -太阳^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
12 - 2^5 p.m.Susan Stevens讲座
星期二,2024年11月12日 下午5点招待会|下午6点讲座 "A New Sixth-century AD martyrial basilica: Bir el Knissia in the sacred landscape of Carthage (Tunisia)" 苏珊·史蒂文斯,365亚洲版学院古典学名誉教授 Trained as a Classical philologist specializing in Latin with research as an archaeologist, 史蒂文斯是北非考古方面的专家. 她指导了迦太基和兰塔(突尼斯)的发掘工作。, and these excavations resulted in the publication of numerous articles and three books, the most recent of which is Bir el Knissia at Carthage: a martyrial basilica complex. 第二份也是最终报告,于2024年3月发布. 史蒂文斯将讨论比埃尔尼西亚大教堂, 它的设计和主要功能是作为埋葬的地方, 也是朝圣的目的地, 著名的, 像罗马, 因为它拥有丰富的圣地. 免费向公众开放.
6 p.m.伯克电影-土著妇女短片系列
11月12日星期二 Short films by Indigenous women around the globe who are passionate about protecting nature. 与博士讨论. Jennifer Gauthier,媒体与文化教授 免费向公众开放
13 -星期三^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
6 p.m.女子篮球队对塞勒姆学院
14 -星期四^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
15 -星期五^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
16 -星期六^10 a.m.星期六科学:幻觉的科学
科学周六实践课程只对高中生开放, 是免费的, 包括午餐. 需要预先注册. 本周,心理学副教授布莱尔·格罗斯. 将探索幻觉的科学. 请参阅 http://gjebfj.gw168.net/admission/visit/science-art-saturdays/ 了解更多信息和注册.
1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
17 -太阳^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
20 -星期三^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
6 p.m.女子篮球队对玛丽·华盛顿
21 -星期四^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
22 -星期五^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
23 -星期六^10 a.m.科学周六蛋白质折叠与Matlab
科学周六实践课程只对高中生开放, 是免费的, 包括午餐. 需要预先注册. 本周物理学副教授Katrin Schenk & 工程将使用Matlab探索蛋白质折叠. 请参阅 http://gjebfj.gw168.net/admission/visit/science-art-saturdays/ 了解更多信息和注册.
1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
2 p.m.女子篮球队对卡罗莱纳大学
24 -太阳^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
27 -星期三^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
30 -星期六^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
12月1 -太阳^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
2 p.m.女子篮球队对格林斯博罗学院
4 -星期三^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
5 p.m.女子篮球队对埃弗里特大学
5 -星期四^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
6 -星期五^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
7 - Sat^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
8 -太阳^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
7:30 p.m.烛光音乐会
11 -星期三^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
12 -星期四^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
13 -星期五^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
14 -星期六^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
15 -太阳^1 p.m.Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition - 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩”
Art Exhibitions: 113th Annual Exhibition – 《维塔野生:当代野生动物艺术" and “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” 迈尔艺术博物馆 “Vita Wild” showcases nine contemporary artists whose works reflect cultural and environmental changes that expand the expression and definition of traditional wildlife art, primarily focusing on animals in the American wilderness and their intrinsic connection to the ecosystem. “Recent Work by 克里斯•科恩” is the first 迈尔艺术博物馆 solo exhibition of work by Randolph College assistant professor of art, 克里斯•科恩. 周三至周日下午1-5点.m. 到2024年12月15日. 免费向公众开放.
30 -星期一^2 p.m.女子篮球@玛丽·鲍德温
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